Pigeon Racing: The Deadliest Marathons
While I know some very nice people who race pigeons, I personally can't support the practice. I don't believe in horse racing or dog racing either. Pigeon racing is even worse in that pigeons are taken far from home (which is the only place a pigeon wants to be) and released to try and get home. Many will die on the way. It is kidnap racing.
Not only does pigeon racing kill pigeons. The racers kill the pigeons too, culling the weak, sick, "inferior". Read The Secret of the Champions.
Read our stories of rescued racing pigeons.
Josie: An Almost-Survivor of Pigeon Racing
Woot: There He Is
Aurora: Healing the Broken
The Story of Mr. Bird
The Blue and the White
Elinor's Story
Not only does pigeon racing kill pigeons. The racers kill the pigeons too, culling the weak, sick, "inferior". Read The Secret of the Champions.
Read our stories of rescued racing pigeons.
Josie: An Almost-Survivor of Pigeon Racing
Woot: There He Is
Aurora: Healing the Broken
The Story of Mr. Bird
The Blue and the White
Elinor's Story
In April 2012, PETA released video footage from a 15-month investigation into cruelty and illegal gambling in the blood "sport" of pigeon racing.
Thank you to PETA for this investigation and for speaking up for the birds so many use but for whom so few advocate.
Here's the start of a pigeon race. Most of these birds won't make it home alive.
Here's the start of a pigeon race. Most of these birds won't make it home alive.
MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue provides avian vet care, foster homes and adoption services to unreturnable or unwanted racing pigeons that are lost and injured along the way. Please support MickaCoo's efforts with a donation and please take action in support of pigeons.

Chauncey & Clive- rescued racing pigeons adopted by Ingrid Taylar, photo courtesy of Ingrid
Despite its $37.4 million budget, PETA employees make little effort to find homes for the thousands of animals they kill every year.
A 2010 inspection of 290 PETA animal custody records performed by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services discovered that PETA killed 84 percent of the animals it took control of within only 24 hours. Additionally, the inspection discovered that PETA’s animal shelter didn’t meet PETA’s own published guidelines for running a humane shelter.
“For the 13th year in a row, PETA’s leaders have shown they don’t care about the unlucky dogs and cats that come to its Norfolk facility,” Berman continued. “It’s about time PETA’s ‘shelter’ is reclassified as a slaughterhouse.”
CCF has obtained PETA’s “Animal Record” filings for every year since 1998 from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Members of the public can see these documents at www.PETAKillsAnimals.com.
Whatever problems there may be or not be with PETA, breeding birds to be culled for imperfections and used for sport, regardless of the risks to their lives, is a whole different topic. Comments to this post should be made on the subject of pigeon racing, not on PETA. Thank you.
I now have personal experience talking on the phone to pigeon racing. I'd never even heard of it until we rescued a pigeon last week. The two men I spoke to bragged about their birds being "athletes" vs. the "bum pigeons" in NYC. It's as though the sport gives them some sort of machismo and pride by proxy, but there is no real compassion or affection for the birds. Just an ego thing when the bird wins.
Kay, go troll somewhere else. You are missing the point. The point of this page is to talk about pigeon racing- not to bash Peta. I have never heard of pigeon racing until today- a banded pigeon came to our porch last night, and it was suggested that this was a "racer." I am trying to catch him/ her, but no luck. The bird loves our balcony, and how he is flying away and coming back. I need to find a sanctuary or equivalent. I will NOT return this animal to the person hat was exploiting him, despite having a band. California Wildlife will not take him because he's not a wild animal. I won't call Animal Control because they'll just kill him. So for now, we watch and wait. This is heartbreaking, just one more disgusting "sport" that stupid humans inflict upon animals.
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