There are king pigeons that have been stuck at SFACC longer (it beats the alternative) but none that are skinnier. Angel, as I've named her, was found as a stray on 3/7 and looked especially miserable when I was there on 3/19 to pick up a pinto pony-marked pigeon whose picture on my blog had triggered a foster home.
I'm FULL up but, for whatever reason, Angel was faring very poorly and I felt like leaving her there was killing her so I brought her home. She (I'm hoping she's a she- too many bachelor pij as it is) is about 1.5 years old and has a big frame but NO meat or muscle on it. Her keel (breastbone) is so sharp you could cut bread with her. Perhaps she had been out wandering around hopeless and helpless as a stray, starving for so long that she couldn't even put on weight once in the shelter with food all day and nothing better to do than eat it. Or maybe she had worms. Or maybe she's got some illness though, other than being fluffed, lethargic and skinny as hell, she doesn't show any symptoms. Maybe Angel was depressed. Probably all of the above.
Here at my house, she's been wormed and is getting a little hand-feeding but is also eating on her own. She seems to be feeling a bit better already. If she doesn't continue in the right direction, I'll be taking her to the vet and begging for donations.
Usually, it's hard to tell that a pigeon is skinny just from seeing them because their feathers hide their breast and keel but look at Angel's in these pictures- you can see how sharp it is and how non-existent her breast muscles are. When she's recovered, Angel will be available for adoption. Contact me at to help her. Or one of the pigeons that is still at the shelter.
3/24 Update:
Angel is doing well. She's gained 35 grams but is still so skinny you'd never know it without the scale. She's a little feistier too which is always a good sign.
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