Found on 3/7 as a stray at Bernal Hill, this adult king pigeon was at SFACC until I brought her and 6 others into MickaCoo on 3/28. She was healthy and feisty and had laid an egg while there- something I was happy to see since we've had a couple of hens with reproductive problems lately.
MickaCoo volunteer and foster Cheryl met me at my house to help get all the new birds wormed and sprayed and settled in. "The new hen" as we called her (until Cheryl named her Roxy a couple days later) went home with Cheryl, to be fostered along with fellow single birds Austin, Rio & Angel, so that Cheryl could work her pigeon romance match-making magic.

And Cheryl did work her magic because Rio and Roxy became a devoted couple very quickly. Then I worked my magic and matched them to a wonderful adopter and, on 4/5, they were shipped off via USPS Overnight Express to their new home in NY.
They arrived safe and sound the next morning (several hours before their guaranteed arrival by 3 which is always very nice) and now they are working their magic because I'm getting e-mail updates from their adopter saying things like "What pretty birds!!!!" and "very surprised at what sleek, graceful birds they are".
Way to go, Roxy! You work it, girl!
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