Bubbles & B.B.
These two didn't come in together but showed a willingness to share a small shelter cage and so now are a couple. (Doubling the pigeons up saves cage space which reduces pressure to euthanize plus provides enrichment and companionship for the birds housed together.)
Bubbles was found on 12/11/08 wandering as a stray at the intersection of Lake & 30th and lucky enough to be picked up and brought in to SF ACC by an Animal Control Officer.
B.B. was found out at Fort Funston (singing the blues while he waited to become hawk food!) on 1/17 and was also lucky enough to be brought in. (Kings don't survive long out on their own.)
Responding to a cage space-crisis at SF ACC on 1/29, I was able to pull 12 birds out (4 kings & 4 hens went to Marin Humane Society courtesy of a Mickaboo volunteer chauffeur, 4 came home temporarily with me) and I was able to pair up 3 couples out of the 7 remaining king pigeons, including Bubbles & B.B. Then, on 1/31, I pulled SF ACC's 4 roosters and drove them down South where another Mickaboo volunteer met me and continued their transport to a rooster rescue (VERY difficult to find homes for roosters) for a total gain of 19 freed-up cages. I was pretty proud.
Bubble & B.B.'s changed-for-the-better luck continued when, on 2/13, I was able to pull them from their small cage at SF ACC and place them as fosters in a not-so-small cage (vacated-only-seconds-prior by the adopted Alfredo & Amaretto) at Andy's Pet Shop in San Jose.
Bubble and B.B. are a nice pair of adult king pigeons in need of a forever home. They are currently sharing cage space with Jack and dyed-green Jill.
5/11 Update:
I brough B.B. and Bubbles home to my loft to meet some other pigeons and B.B. bonded with Ike and together they were adopted, along with 6 other kings, by a wonderful adopter in Wisconsin. All arrived safe on 5/12 and are doing well.
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