Rescued from a road in Brisbane, Walter's been fostered for nearly a year by women who rehab feral pigeons.
He's recently joined my king loft and fits right in. Here's what his rescuers say about him:
WALTER was saved from an imminent traffic collision early one morning by a kind-hearted woman named Linda. Linda works for the city of Brisbane, a small community just south of San Francisco. The bird was laying in the road near the newly constructed bridge and appeared unable to fly. Fearing for the birds safety and concerned that the bird might be injured, Linda stopped traffic and rescued the bird from the street. Several phone calls put Linda and her boss, Mr. Peters, in contact with a local Brisbane resident who rescues pigeons. WALTER is now looking for a home. He can fly, but as a King Pigeon he will never be a skilled enough flyer for the wild. Walter would be the ideal companion for another King Pigeon or someone who has the patience to regain his human trust. He was likely an escape of a food market (King Pigeons are raised and consumed for food) or was lost after having been used in a wedding release as a white dove). As you can see from the picture, Walter is beautiful!
Walter is currently single, is most likely male and is available for adoption. Please visit MickaCoo for an adoption application.
12/5 Update
Clever Walter has chosen Rocky, my pet, as his mate so he's got it made now. I brought Rocky home from SF ACC last November and though she wanted a mate, she was passed over several times until she got hitched to Tony Baby in March. Then, in May, player that he is, he took Doll as his wife and made Rocky his sad girlfriend on the side. So this is a really big deal. Yea, Walter and Rocky!

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