Bell & Charms
These two young pigeons were picked up as strays in Golden Gate Park on January 11th. They must have been no more than 3-4 weeks old at the time- babies.
On 1/29, I was able to pull them from SF ACC because they have an adopter (part of the Great King Caravan of Spring 2009). They are doing great and will be transported to their new home in Southern California on 2/13.
2/13 Update:
Adopted!! Charms & Bell were part of Phase 1 of the Great King Care-A-Van and, on 2/13 were driven, along with Dolce and Mac, Alfredo & Amaretto and doves Vanilla & Fudge, by a Mickaboo volunteer to their new forever home (in So Cal) with an extraordinary pigeon lover and the leader of the King Care-A-Van. Check back for updates as they move out of quarantine and into the castle loft being built for them.
2/15/09, Camarillo, CA

ADOPTING KINGS... My husband built me a huge walk-in aviary for my 15 homing pigeons last year. There was a great deal of extra space, so when I noticed ads on Craig’s List or on Pigeon Talk for birds needing a home in my area, I started to respond to them. Taking in homeless birds just seemed like the right thing to do with the space I had. When MickaCoo started raising awareness about the King pigeons in the Bay Area, it was a perfect fit. We have just completed a second walk-in flight cage larger than the first where my “flock” of rescued doves are housed. So, after the application process, a generous volunteer from Mickaboo drove six King pigeons (and two more doves for good measure!) all the way to SoCal where they have joined my birdie family. The Kings are slightly larger than homers, and more docile by nature. Because they are less flighty and larger, it almost seems like they have “bigger” personalities to go along with their size. Most are seemingly all white, but many also have dark markings that add to their expression. Dolce has a distinctive black patch on her forehead that she thinks makes her the “Queen of the Kings”...There are pictures of my new family members on Mick-a-coo... I was lucky enough to get Dolce and Macadamia; Alfredo and Amaretto; Charms and Bell... and doves Vanilla and Fudge. I already have a King pigeon that has been living very nicely with his crippled mate in the main pigeon coop....he came in as a rescue and the owner had named him Yeti because of his size! But these six San Francisco Kings have joined the planned community in the “Castle” and I am excited to adopt three more little squeakers this weekend. So, now each evening I get to walk into their “Castle” and plop down in the middle of the gravel floor and sit quietly as they have dinner and socialize with each other. Every day I am becoming a more accepted member of their flock and it really is a wonderful way to unwind! There are MANY King pigeons needing homes right now, and more arriving in Bay Area shelters all the time. Because I cannot take them all, I am trying to encourage and facilitate their adoption by others who have a place in their hearts and in their aviaries for these wonderful birds.
YEAH!!! Oh I sooooo love good news :)
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