Olgi (formerly Olga)
I named the little one-wing pigeon Olga but he's not a hen. He's one of 216 Persian High Flyers we rescued when the owner of Lucky Dog Pet Shop surrendered them (and 30 chickens) to Berkeley Animal Care Services.
Maybe because flightless Olga spent all of his time on the ground, the rock-hard poop balls on his little feet were among the worst. When they were gently removed (despite the burly guy with the big pair of pliers), they revealed that he had lost toe-tips to a previous encasement.

Olga (like all the pigeons) seemed to be very happy to have his toes freed from the rock-hard poop balls and he has transitioned into foster care in my coop with plenty of spirit.
For some reason, he was leg-banded with a bandaid.
Olga is looking better every day. He prefers birds to people and would love to have some flightless friends or a flightless-friendly aviary set-up and of course, he's on the hunt for a lady pigeon. If you're interested in adopting Olga, please complete our online application.
He has been renamed Olgi.
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