HELP! I do nothing but ask for help and support and donations all the time and you give a lot. A LOT! But more is needed.

This is why more help is needed. These requests for help came in just this week! (Plus we are already caring for 109 foster pigeons and doves.)
MONDAY 12/26/11
Email received:
There was a white dove wandering around our front street in Fremont, and now it has taken residence on our porch for the last day and night. We provided a box and some food, but need to know where to take it where someone can take care of it longterm. It tries to fly but can't lift off more than about a foot. It may have clipped wings or be injured. Thanks. Julie
Outcome: I coach finders on care and juvenile king pigeon is taken to and accepted by Ohlone Wildlife Center but dies overnight from pellet gun wounds.
MONDAY 12/26
Phone call received:
SFACC has three juvenile king pigeons (two injured, one with respiratory infection) in need of rescue ASAP.
Outcome: Shelter vet starts birds on injectable antibiotics and I pick up and transport to foster volunteer 12/27. All are recovering well.
E-mail received:
Hi there. My brother has too many pigeons for the cages he has. The pigeons are living in very cramped quarters. Since he lives at our mother's house, she is forcing him to get rid of about 10 pigeons. The pigeons are in Livermore. Would your agency take the pigeons, or do you know of any agency closer to LIvermore that would take them?
Outcome: MickaCoo is too full. I attempt to coach would-be-surrenderer in how best to rehome or find alternative rescue options. Status unknown.
E-mail received:
Hello, I have an aviary and the pigeons to go with it. My grandmother has become quite ill and she’s been a pigeon rescuer for many years. I am incapable of managing the care of her pigeons and the SPCA will not help me to relocate them. If you are able to assist me with the removal and permanent relocation of my grandmother’s pigeons, I will donate the aviary. It’s HUGE; however, it has been neglected as I am a working mother of two young children and live 45 minutes away from my grandmother’s property. Daily trips to check in and feed the pigeons has not been possible for me over the past three weeks. My grandmother is in a convalescent home temporarily while I’m searching to secure her permanent long-term care. Any response and/or advice from you regarding her pigeons will be greatly appreciated.
Outcome: MickaCoo is too full. I attempt to coach would-be-surrenderer in how best to rehome or find alternative rescue options and another volunteer will be going to assess the situation. Status TBD.
E-mail received:
Hi Elizabeth, I hope you are doing fine right now, I didn't built my aviary yet due to my situation.
I want to ask you a huge favor is a way that you can put in the mickacoo list a few of my birds? I know you have many birds already in that list, but sometimes people want a feral piji here and there, I have mostly couples!!! even my semi blind piji just found love in pancho he came with strings and lost one toes, he was very skinny and sick but he gained weight and became a beatiful bird, I was planning to release him this coming weekend after the fireworks from New Years eve but now I feel bad because Honey is in love with him.Anyways, I can take pictures about different couples that I have with the stories about how I found them and their situations and how they found love here in the house. Please let me know, I'm able to give them around California, I can drive any place just to see that they are going to be in a good place, I don't want to ship since some of them are disabled.
Thank you Elizabeth, I'll do my aviary soon, but is going to be small I don't have a big yard and I want to keep the ones that are more sick like the PMV or the ones that probably people won't adopt. Please let me know. hugs.
Thank you Elizabeth, I'll do my aviary soon, but is going to be small I don't have a big yard and I want to keep the ones that are more sick like the PMV or the ones that probably people won't adopt. Please let me know. hugs.
Outcome: MickaCoo is too full to take birds in but will post birds on website. I offer a large, unused three-compartment cage suitable for use as an outside aviary. Status TBD.
FRIDAY 12/30
E-mail received:
Outcome: Foster home needed!
Outcome: Foster home needed!
Help! Volunteer! A great many of you are already helping but I am asking for more. MickaCoo needs volunteers who can help with PR and outreach. We need volunteers who can help get our new website built out. We need volunteers who will network with other rescues, shelters and sanctuaries about ways to help more pigeons and doves. We need volunteers to help with fundraising. Email me- AdoptKings at gmail dot com.
Help! Donate! I'm told that the next two days are the busiest donation days of the year. If you can make a tax-deductible donation in support of this effort, please do! Every dollar donated goes to saving the lives of these innocent birds. Every dollar donated is one less that we need to chase. Click here to donate online (and please consider making your gift a recurring one). Or checks can be made out to CI: MickaCoo and mailed to 354 Pine Street, #700, SF CA 94104.
Help! Adopt! MickaCoo has more than 100 amazing birds in need of homes. They are easy to care for and much beloved by their adopters. Pigeons and doves can live indoors or outside and it's not hard to create a home for them. MickaCoo will help you.
Help! Speak out! Like us on Facebook. Share the stories of these birds. Copy and paste these links into an email to your friends and family.
Birds in Need of Homes!Thank you! Your help is much needed and greatly appreciated.
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