$4K in 38 Days?
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GlobalGiving connects qualified nonprofits with people and corporations who have time, money, or goods to give. MickaCoo needs this connection.
To help MickaCoo in this way (and we need your help), you can-
- Click on this link and give online
- Click on this link and post to your Facebook and Twitter channels
- Send this link (http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/mickacoo-pigeon-and-dove-rescue) to your networks and ask that they support this unique effort
- Text GIVE 9380 to 80088 to donate $10
- Help us with creative and technical support to get the word out
11/28 UPDATE:
We're 22% of the way to our donor goal with 11 of the 50 needed and 12% of the way to our dollar goal with $470 of the $4K required. MickaCoo has 33 days left to inspire at least 39 people to donate an average of $91 each. Or 177 donors could give $20 each. There are many ways that we can make this happen.
The benefits to MickaCoo of becoming a member of the GlobalGiving community include:
- Since 2002, GlobalGiving has raised $54,260,759 from 234,117 donors who have supported 4,922 projects.
- Each week, about 40,000 individuals visit GlobalGiving's website, offering great exposure for our partners' projects!
- GlobalGiving received $5.2 million in donation volume in 2010 through partnerships with dozens of American and international corporations including Nike, Dell, Lilly and Discovery.
- GlobalGiving's projects raised close to $1 million during matching campaigns in 2010.
- Our giving tools—tribute cards, fundraisers, etc.—make it easy for our partners to expand their donor base and encourage donors to stay connected.
- GlobalGiving's well-respected reputation gives donors and companies added assurance in donating to your project. Donors and corporations know that we carefully vet the organizations whose projects are posted on our site and their donations are safe with us.
Your support of MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue in this fundraising campaign will have a lasting benefit beyond the dollars you give. This is our fundraising campaign for 2011. Please click on this link to lend your support to this effort. We won't be able to do it without you.
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