PLEASE Help MickaCoo Win a Much-Needed $10K Grant!
MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue is trying again for a Pepsi Refresh grant and we CAN win this time. Please, please vote for us everyday this month at: and you double your vote by also texting "108445" to 73774 daily.

We competed in January (in partnership with Mickaboo) for $50K and finished #55ish (we needed to be in the top 10 to win). Then we competed in June for $25K and finished #31 (only the top 15 won). This month we are competing in the $10K category and we have a lot of support from great voting partners and we can actually win this much needed grant- with your support! (Mickaboo won $5K in July!)

Please sign up for a helpful daily voting reminder that includes the clickable links by emailing:
And, if you're a Pepsi drinker, please look for the "Power Vote Codes" on specially marked products and use them to power vote (or send to me at AdoptKings at Gmail dot com). They are VERY helpful to the effort.

And, while you're Pepsi voting for MickaCoo, please vote for our reciprocal partners (and leave comments saying you're from MickaCoo!) Their support is vital to our success (and ours to theirs).
And please- we are in the winners' zone. Please vote and help us win this grant and sustain what MickaCoo is doing. These birds need our help.
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