MickaCoo URGENTLY Needs Pepsi Power Vote Codes (found in yellow Pepsi caps)
MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue has, thanks to a ton of support from people literally all over the world, a real chance to win a much-needed $10K Pepsi Refresh grant at the end of this month but it is going to be very, very close and YOUR votes can and will make a difference.

We have been hanging on tight at 14th-15th place (only the top 15 will win) but the competition for our winning spot is only going to get worse now that we are entering the final week of the contest (next Friday is the last day). We need you to help us hold on.
Daily votes at http://www.refresheverything.com/mickacoo are needed as are daily text messages of 108445 to 73774 and most helpful are the Pepsi "power codes" found inside yellow Pepsi caps.

Each Pepsi power code is worth from 5 to 100 votes and our competition is entering them by the boatloads.
We're collecting them from every source we can find including bidding for them on Listia and eBay as well as from recyclers like Ben & Moses who are helping us.
We've got fantastic partnerships with other rescues who are also competing this month and they are entering lots of votes for us. You can support them too by voting for them while you're voting for MickaCoo. All of our partners are winning but Peaceful Paws is in the same precarious position that we are and they REALLY need our support. They have been working incredibly hard and are helping us a lot.

Please help MickaCoo to win this grant. If you've got a source of Pepsi caps and need help getting them entered as power votes, contact me at AdoptKings at gmail dot com and I'll gladly assist. And join our MickaCoo group on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/160198601451/ to share in the excitement and, hopefully, success.
Do it for these guys...
Thank you.
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