MickaCoo's First Fundraiser & Open House
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MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue, with the help of volonteers, donors and the support of our guests, hosted it's first ever fundraiser and open (foster) house on Saturday, 10/2/10.
Super volunteer (for SFACC, Friends of SFACC and MickaCoo) Kate Edwards organized the event, brought in lots of wonderful items for the Silent Auction, arranged it, wrangled it and all the preparations, before, during and after as well as holding my hand and coaching me throughout. Early in the year, I had asked Kate to be MickaCoo's Fundraising Coordinator and while she said no to the title, she said yes to the work. Thank you, Kate, from the bottom of my heart.

And there were lots and lots of other folks who helped as well- donating delicious vegan dishes like tofu satay with peanut sauce, dozens of home-baked cookies including chai chocolate shortbread and peanut butter fudge cookies, huge gorgeous platters of fruits and veggies and Field Roast vegan sausage bites and juice and beer and two cases of yummy wine.

Other volunteers helped staff the door and showcase the pigeons.

Almost 40 guests came and visited and shopped in support of MickaCoo.

Lots of fun was had and almost $2000 was raised to help pay the vet bills of homeless injured and sick pigeons and doves.
A huge thank you to volunteers Kate Edwards, Cheryl Dickinson, Heather Hohlowski, Tracey Rice, Michelle Lesowski, Amaryllis Green and Nicole Toenjes and to our donors-
And a big thank you to our guests as well. Me & MickaCoo really, really appreciate your making the time to come out and support this humble but worthy cause- thank you.

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue, with the help of volonteers, donors and the support of our guests, hosted it's first ever fundraiser and open (foster) house on Saturday, 10/2/10.
Super volunteer (for SFACC, Friends of SFACC and MickaCoo) Kate Edwards organized the event, brought in lots of wonderful items for the Silent Auction, arranged it, wrangled it and all the preparations, before, during and after as well as holding my hand and coaching me throughout. Early in the year, I had asked Kate to be MickaCoo's Fundraising Coordinator and while she said no to the title, she said yes to the work. Thank you, Kate, from the bottom of my heart.
And there were lots and lots of other folks who helped as well- donating delicious vegan dishes like tofu satay with peanut sauce, dozens of home-baked cookies including chai chocolate shortbread and peanut butter fudge cookies, huge gorgeous platters of fruits and veggies and Field Roast vegan sausage bites and juice and beer and two cases of yummy wine.

Other volunteers helped staff the door and showcase the pigeons.
Almost 40 guests came and visited and shopped in support of MickaCoo.
Lots of fun was had and almost $2000 was raised to help pay the vet bills of homeless injured and sick pigeons and doves.
A huge thank you to volunteers Kate Edwards, Cheryl Dickinson, Heather Hohlowski, Tracey Rice, Michelle Lesowski, Amaryllis Green and Nicole Toenjes and to our donors-
Kate Edwards & Kit Kubitz - Lombardo's Fine Foods - See's Candies - Suzanne Flusche - Mary Long - Medical Center for Birds - The Filoli Center - SF Animal Care & Control - Ingrid Taylar - Katie Wunderlich - Alice Finney -Victoria Webb Photography - Christiana Reed - Hackney Horse & Carriage - Loreli Coleman - Roberta Fabiano - Cheryl Dickinson - Reach & Teach - Michelle Lesowski - American Wine Distributors - Crimson Wine Group
And a big thank you to our guests as well. Me & MickaCoo really, really appreciate your making the time to come out and support this humble but worthy cause- thank you.
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