Pierre UPDATE 6/2/10
This morning, Pierre was crouched next to his too small water dish with that look in his eyes so I switched it out for a bigger dish and sure enough he got busy taking a nice big bath.
Do you see him standing up? A lot! I catch him standing and walking all the time now! He's still got his hobble on but it is purely helping and doesn't seem to bother him at all. I think he is building new muscle memory and who knows- he may not end up needing that second operation after all. Dr. Speer says sometimes, after the femoral correction, birds do make it the rest of the way on their own.
Later he got to posing in the mirror!
I think Pierre really LOVES being able to stand up and walk around and perch with his girl Piper and admire himself in the mirror. Look, he says- "I'm tall!"
Video Update 6/3:
Pierre, you are a handsome, ah said, handsome fella, and you are STANDING TALL!
Fantastic photos Elizabeth.... thanks!
That video was absolutely priceless.
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