Pierre UPDATE 5/14/10
Pierre is doing very well. I'm having a harder and harder time calling Pierre "he" though. While surrendered as a suspected male and named Pierre, I really get the feeling that Pierre is a she. She and Piper get along so well and so easily that I think they are both hens. There's nothing macho about either of them and I get no hint of testosterone in their behaviors. I wouldn't change Pierre's name but I think I'm just going to have to make the pronoun switch to "she".
She's still got both her feet taped to a snowboard-type rig and it is keeping her splayed leg in the proper alignment. I get the feeling she's a little blue that we're being so mean to her but she's eating great and coping really well. She manages to get around in her cage by sort of scoot-hopping and when out of the cage, she flies (like a helicopter with her heavy feet sticking out).

The other day I noticed her standing up rather than lying down (her usual position, before and since the surgery) and that has to be a good sign.
The other day I noticed her standing up rather than lying down (her usual position, before and since the surgery) and that has to be a good sign.
This Sunday, I've been instructed to remove the snowboard and on Tuesday we go back to Dr. Speer for a recheck.
I'm blown away at the generosity of people. Many of you have donated on Pierre's behalf. Thank you SO much! Thank you for being kind and caring about this little dove.
Thanks for the update, Elizabeth. Male or female, Pierre is taking care of healing!
Wish you the best when your splint comes off.
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