Sweet Art
Art, named (King) Arthur by an SF ACC Small Animal Volunteer, ended up at the shelter as a stray (found on JFK Parkway in Golden Gate Park) on 11/20. She (I now know she's a hen) was very skinny upon arrival. She may have been a pet that was "set free" as she's been very tame and friendly with me from the very start.
While picking up (11!) birds to transport to various fosters and rescues on 12/7, I met her, felt how skinny she still was after two weeks with steady food (at the shelter) and brought her home to recover in my kitchen counter pigeon hospital. But, despite the spa living and eating lots, she lost rather than gained weight which was when I rearranged my schedule and took her to an avian vet.
Here's an e-mail update that I sent out to lots of bird-helper types (and posted on Pigeon Talk) on Christmas Eve:
Well, I've got wonderful news, amazing news and bad news and I'm going to share it in that order.
The wonderful news is that Art, the super-skinny SFACC pigeon that I wrote about on my blog is on the road to recovery. He was at Dr. Speer's Medical Center for Birds for 9 days and I didn't think he was going to make it. They couldn't really figure out what the matter was and he really struggled. Now, while his weight is still about the same, Dr. Olsen feels that he's less emaciated and has added a little pectoral muscle. He's eating well and is clearly feeling MUCH better. He HOPS into his basket (draping his wings like a cloak and doing a lobster tail at the same time- that's my invitation to join him, right?) and he prances his feet and is just the sweetest bird. He's sitting on my shoulder as I write this. His diagnosis was "suspected intestinal bacterial and coccidian overgrowth with partial ventricular impaction". He's staying in my Kitchen Counter Pij Hospital (too skinny to live out in the cold) but does enjoy spending about 45 minutes a day outside in the loft. He took a bath today.
The amazing news is that 6 people made generous donations towards his vet care totaling $230. People that have never met Art, people that have any number of responsibilities pressing on them and an infinite array of worthy causes to support... All I can say is that I am amazed and honored more than I can tell you.
And the bad news is, and I hate to even include it here because it is such a reality-slap in the face, but here it is- the bad news is that Art's vet bill is almost $850 and there are 2 smaller bills (for Mocha's injured eye and Gus' lab tests) coming in right behind it. So there you go.

Since coming home on 12/19, Art has made slow but steady progress. I can definitely tell she feels better because of her behavior. She's much more interactive and expressive. She never walks when she can prance and never prances when she can hop.
She continues to slowly gain weight (is still only at 510, should be at least 600+) and now spends all day outside in the loft with the general population pigeons (which, based on the interaction, is how I now know she's a hen).
Each night at sunset, I bring her in for the extra food and warmth of the kitchen counter. Plus she hangs out with me and my indoor crew.

Art has always liked me from the first day I brought her home (most pigeons aren't quite as tame as she is) but she was concerned about my dog, three cats (I've inherited my mom's cat, Uno) and my three indoor birds. In a short time she's gotten accustomed to them and is now quite comfortable with everybody. She's a lot of fun to have around. I call her Sweet Art.
In the morning, she pushes open the (unlocked) door of her kennel and flies down the hall to come and hang out with us sleepy heads.

And then Art spends a little time watching me get breakfast for everybody before taking her outside to her friends in the loft.
Outside, Art has now taken up with a young feral rescue named Slim. I caught Slim, who'd gotten grease all over his feathers, on October 28th and brought him in to recover. He couldn't fly well and couldn't maintain body heat (messed up feathers don't insulate) and was doomed without help. It took several baths and clipping and pulling of feathers to get him on the mend. Very recently, a young king mix named Mocha had chosen Slim as her preferred mate. Shortly after, Art decided she wanted Slim and, being a more experienced and sophisticated hen, has successfully run Mocha off and claimed Slim for herself.
Three more people have donated towards Art's vet bill since I sent out that e-mail. Thank you. I can't tell you that it's the best use of your charitable dollars and I'm personally very conflicted about vet bills that run into the hundreds of dollars for an escaped "meat pigeon". I can tell you I treat everything I can at home now (thanks to the help and guidance of pigeon experts). Even so, I haven't figured out the solution and there's still a balance. If you'd like to help, click here and scroll down to make a tax-deductible donation. And, I'm full up with birds. I've got no more room. There are currently 5 kings at SF ACC and several others at shelters around the Bay Area. If you can help foster or are interested in adopting a king, please visit MickaCoo. These sweet birds need you.
1/9 Update:This morning Art was so nesty she didn't want to come out of her basket. And, since she's now put on one hundred grams (a 25% weight gain), I think she's strong enough to stay outdoors round the clock. Slim's gain is my loss.
1/26 Update: Art is now mated with Gus and Slim is now mated with Charlie Brown White Socks and my senses of balance, harmony and symmetry are MUCH relieved. Rescued ferals Slim & Charlie will be released together (any day now) and Art & Gus will be fostered and adopted together. I love happy endings!

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